Poignant Exaggerations

This is just a little space where I will rant about things, post doodles which may or may not form a coherent story line, and avoid doing school work.

Monday, February 20, 2006

No, you tell meh.

So that thing I said about Boston has been changed to Burlington, VT, and baring some act of the non-existant godforce, it's going to happen. It will be I and my good freind Alex, who I call Vlad the Art-Major, hopefully getting a good, cheap apartment, some jobs, and a bar tab.

I don't really want to turn this into one of those blogs where I list off my daily life, because, I know, it's not very interesting.

So, to justify gloating about the above, I have included the next installment of Jewish Dinosaur Cowboys.....maybe.

(conditionally) Enjoy!


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