VicePresident Dick "Shoot-em-up" Cheney shot and killed an "ecoterrorist" supposedly poaching teddy bears on a friend's ranch.
The VicePresident and his friend, a Ms. Katherine Armstrong who has requsted to remain annonymous, were smoking crack and clubbing baby seals when they noticed an elegedly strong smell of elegedly "stinky hippy" elegedly wafting through the air. Elegedly elegedly elegedly.
When Mr. Cheney and Ms. Armstrong realized what was going on, they hopped out of bed, grabbed a rifle, and headed outside to see what all the fuss was. Finding no fuss, they decided to create some.
The "terrorist" was one Dude Whittington. When the VicePresident and his whore emerged from their den-o-sin, they found Dude Wattington stuffing live Teddy Bears into a sack in an attempt to take them to safety in Canada where it is illegal to kill and stuff the now endangered Teddy to make childrens' toys.
Realizing it was his patriotic duty to kill a liberal, the VicePresident grabbed a shotgun, aimed, and, while listening to the national anthem and getting a blowjob, shot Dude Whittington in the face. His entire body then exploded, leaving a creater roughly a billion miles in diamater in the dirt of wherever-the-hell-they-were.
They VicePresident was so happy, he had another heart attack. Luckily his team of crack-pot physicians were at hand to lend aid. They decided that the VP's heart had finally just given out. So they killed Ms. Armstrong and took hers.
President Bush proptly gave both physicians medals and peed on Dude Whittington's grave.
The VicePresident is said to be doing fine, although he does profess a strange desire to "suck cock and shoot H up [his] ass."
Or...something like that
VicePresident Dick "Shoot-em-up" Cheney shot and killed an "ecoterrorist" supposedly poaching teddy bears on a friend's ranch.
The VicePresident and his friend, a Ms. Katherine Armstrong who has requsted to remain annonymous, were smoking crack and clubbing baby seals when they noticed an elegedly strong smell of elegedly "stinky hippy" elegedly wafting through the air. Elegedly elegedly elegedly.
When Mr. Cheney and Ms. Armstrong realized what was going on, they hopped out of bed, grabbed a rifle, and headed outside to see what all the fuss was. Finding no fuss, they decided to create some.
The "terrorist" was one Dude Whittington. When the VicePresident and his whore emerged from their den-o-sin, they found Dude Wattington stuffing live Teddy Bears into a sack in an attempt to take them to safety in Canada where it is illegal to kill and stuff the now endangered Teddy to make childrens' toys.
Realizing it was his patriotic duty to kill a liberal, the VicePresident grabbed a shotgun, aimed, and, while listening to the national anthem and getting a blowjob, shot Dude Whittington in the face. His entire body then exploded, leaving a creater roughly a billion miles in diamater in the dirt of wherever-the-hell-they-were.
They VicePresident was so happy, he had another heart attack. Luckily his team of crack-pot physicians were at hand to lend aid. They decided that the VP's heart had finally just given out. So they killed Ms. Armstrong and took hers.
President Bush proptly gave both physicians medals and peed on Dude Whittington's grave.
The VicePresident is said to be doing fine, although he does profess a strange desire to "suck cock and shoot H up [his] ass."
Or...something like that
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