Poignant Exaggerations

This is just a little space where I will rant about things, post doodles which may or may not form a coherent story line, and avoid doing school work.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Okay people, I'm back.


So I'll begin with my IS topic. Because that's really the most I've done.

In Russian, (almost) every verb has both a transitive and intransitive form. In English almost no verbs have this formation, but the word "fucking" does. If I say, "They are fucking," it could mean either that they are currently fucking, or that they are fucking in general. I will disect the linguistic situation and the ramifications in language between these two systems. At the same time I will deconstruct the notion of studying a mouthful of profanity in an academic setting. Should at least be interesting.




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