Poignant Exaggerations

This is just a little space where I will rant about things, post doodles which may or may not form a coherent story line, and avoid doing school work.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A little something to share.

Hello world. I'd like to tell you about a friend of mine who has changed my life. Changed it...for the better.

No, I'm not talking about Jesus. That pansy carpenter bastard screwed up my cabinets, and now I'm sueing him on Judge Judy.

My friends, I am speaking of the wonderous awesomeness that is Dan Piotrowski.

This man single handedly saved the entire world, and you don't even know about it. So let me enlighten you all.

Three weeks ago last Thursday I was hitchhiking down a long stretch of Rout 66 which runs through Missouri. It was almost noon and none of the three cars which had passed me had given any indication that they were going to pick up a grizzly madman, which just happened to be the costume I wore to the costume party which I was walking home from.

When all of a sudden I got attacked by giant alien bird-monsters from out of the sky! Each one of them carried a spear and they spoke a strange language that sounded like a garbage disposal.

I didn't know what to do! I dropped my bag and just started running flat out. I didn't make it more than a half mile before they were on me. I thought I was done for!

But then, all of a sudden, like an angel from the sky, the voice of Dan Piotrowski told me I was tripping out, and to chill the fuck down.

So I did. And it was good.

The End.

*This may or may not have happened. If my mother or father finds this, it didn't. For everyone else I retain an air of mystery.


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